

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

LOL Ryan Rough is a hardcore Ukraine supporter
Replying to: Somebody tried to assassinate el duce again -- swoosh Post ReplyForum


09/16/2024, 18:12:18

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who went to Ukraine to fight as foreign legion as his plan A. Who else is more hardcore than joining the foreign legion? His plan B is to help recruit more mercenary for Ukraine. No wonder he is coming after Trump, his motive is pretty straight forward. Kyiv should follow due procedure by putting Trump on their infamous death list first. But this would alert CIA, so maybe not a good idea.

Well Kyiv has already abandon him, denying he's a foreign legion fighting for Ukraine.

No doubt he's a hardcore supporter of Ukraine. Even his hair color show that.

Facebook and other social media are busy scrubbing his speech and existence. He talked about taking out Trump, Putin and launching nuke strike against Russia, showing signs of extremist mentality.

Not only social media, he was interviewed by MSM such as NYT, Financial Times, Newsweek etc about his experience in Ukraine.

Not only Ukarine, he is also a strong supporter for TW. There goes the black and white narrative of this fanatic BS.

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