

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Official acknowledgement of domestiv DUV lithographic machine
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09/12/2024, 15:33:25

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capable of <= 25 nm and <= 8 nm overlay using KrF 248 nm and ArF 193 nm wavelength DUV light source respectively. The ArF with resolution <= 65 nm is roughly equivalent to ASML 1450. Another one with resolution <= 28 nm, its performance is still undergoing evaluation. Overlay 8 nm is used in 20 nm node, this one is used in <= 10 nm node.

Published in the 2024 edition of major technology equipment catalog by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. We already know this don't we? We're just waiting for this official acknowledgement.

Related link: US sanction on semiconductor technology is really fantastic

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