

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Air China and China Southern received their first C-919 on Aug 28
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09/01/2024, 01:01:50

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Now three airlines began operating C-919 flights as delivery pace starting to pickup.

First flight of Air China's C-919 happened earlier.

First C-919 for Air China.

The first C-919 for Air China begin service.

Interior of C-919.

The first C-919 for China Southern took its first pre-delivery flight on Aug 3.

The 7th C-919 B-919H has been delivered to China Eastern on Jul 29. It's the third C-919 China Easten received this year.

Related link: The fourth C-919 has been delivered to Eastern Airlines

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