

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

More Challenger 2 myth
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09/15/2023, 20:04:59

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busted, at least two more were destroyed by Kornet piercing frontal armor. Single shot sufficient to kill Challenger 2.

The British could have disposed those Challenger 2 tanks like they did those old Challenger 1 tanks.

Instead of sending them to the frontline and get destroyed by those Russian. At least disposal can preserve Challenger 2's myth as an indestructible tank, and they won't have to listen to the Russian's brags. It make no difference anyway. Worse still if the Russian get their hands on one to Moscow Museum of Wonder Weapon, they'd hear no end of it.

What's next? At the end of Aug, Kiev announced they've completed training operating the Abrams and is ready to join the fray by mid-Sep. Regarding the breakthrough, do you guys want to hear more rant about it?

Apparently Pentagon and Kiev have second thoughts (cold feet). Let's prolong the training till the rain season when they've an excuse to freeze the war. Wise choice. By this delay, you should have known what happened to the breakthrough.

Related link: Wonder weapon Challenger 2 is like a sniper rifle

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